PSAT is an exam designed for students in the eighth and ninth grade. In simple words, this exam will show the student’s readiness for college in future. The PSAT score plays a role in applying for scholarships, college, and academic programs. The exam is also used by counselors and administrators to assess each student’s SAT readiness.
The exam comes in three forms: PSAT 8/9, PSAT / NMSQT and PSAT 10. PSAT 10 is the same test as PSAT / NMSQT, although students take these exams at different times of the year. PSAT8 / 9 acts as a baseline for college readiness. High enough scores on the PSAT / NMSQT exam in junior high may help a student earn a national scholarship, but it is not an easy task.
According to the Council of Colleges, 5 million students tried earn it scholarships for 2019-2020, but only 7,600 people have received the scholarship of US $ 2,500. To receive such an impressive scholarship, you need to get a maximum grade of 1520 points.
During preparation for the exam, schoolchildren did not lose their sense of humor, for example, this is how, according to one of the students, the morning before the PSAT exam looks like.

PSAT is also preparation for the more serious test, the four-hour SAT test, which is held in high school. These two exams are similar, which is very helpful for students in preparing for SAT.