Such countries as India, Brazil and South Africa did not condemn Russia and they have a number of reasons for this, writes The Conversation. These include historical ties with Russia, partnership relations and their own geopolitical goals. However, the author of the article notes that this phenomenon should not be underestimated.

India has refused to vote on numerous UN resolutions blaming Russia. And this position by India shows the geopolitical dynamics that prevail in the world and the role that developing countries play in the international arena, writes Catherine Vien, author of the article in the French-language version of The Conversation, who specializes in India in her academic work.

India’s position on Ukraine rests mainly on an assertion of the principles of international law, as well as on the delivery of humanitarian aid. India then announced that it was ready to feed the world by replenishing grain supplies, but a little later imposed a restriction on these exports. The author of the article reminds us that India in its history has often taken a position of non-alignment with the warring parties. However, apart from this, there are other reasons for such behavior.

First, India is heavily dependent on Russia for arms supplies. Between 2017 and 2021, it bought about half of all weapons from Russia. At the same time, India has complex relations with China, so if India were to get too close to the United States, there is a danger that China would strengthen relations with Russia and Pakistan, thereby surrounding India.

Second, historically India and Russia have good relations. Since 1995 Russia has used its veto power in the UN Security Council six times for India’s benefit.

 Thirdly, India has been trying to find its place on the international scene for many years, trying to cooperate with many different powers at once and taking part in different organizations. So even in the current situation it is trying not to take sides to maintain relations both with the West and the East.

Fourthly, India has even benefited from the conflict. For example, it has been able to import Russian oil and vegetable oils at a low price. Moreover, grain shortages give it leverage in bilateral negotiations.

According to analysts, India’s position can be characterized as “neutral activity. Although it does not express its position, it acts in its own interests. Brazil and South Africa are doing the same. Brazil has chosen not to speak out, while South Africa’s leader has said that dialogue is better than economic sanctions and accusations.

The author notes that it is important not to underestimate the role of developing countries in the international arena. More than 40 percent of the world’s population lives on their territory, they are rich in resources and are involved in the development of the South. And the current situation has had a strong impact on the southern countries. They are threatened by food supply disruptions, rising prices for fertilizers, basic products and fuel. Africa is in its worst drought in 40 years, and 20 million people are threatened by hunger.

But the author of the article in The Conversation condemns India, Brazil and South Africa, which do not want to condemn Russia for their geopolitical reasons, because of close ties with Russia and out of a desire to condemn, on the contrary, the West. According to her, this is a warning call.

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