Chaplin’s granddaughter Una called to stop the “ideological war” with Russia

Actress Una Chaplin, Charlie Chaplin’s granddaughter, said she was tired of the image of “bad Russians” in Western cinema.

Commenting in a conversation with the Independent newspaper on her role in the new British-American spy movie “Gosizmena,” where the characters are presented as “bad” Russians and “good” Britons, the actress said she was not thrilled with the plot.

“I’m so tired of the Russians being the bad guys. I can’t even describe it to you,” Chaplin said.

She wondered, however, if anyone could come up with a “better stereotype” to work with.

“It will be great when the ideological war we have with Russia is in the past,” Chaplin’s granddaughter added.

Una Chaplin is a Spanish-British actress, daughter of actress Geraldine Chaplin and granddaughter of Charlie Chaplin. She began her acting career in 2007, from 2012 to 2013 she played in the TV series “Game of Thrones”, her filmography includes several dozen works.

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