American scientist Nolan has claimed that aliens have visited Earth and are still here

Alien beings have visited Earth and are still here, said at a recent thematic conference in New York, Stanford University Professor Harry Nolan, his words leads the Daily Mail.

According to the scientist, the likelihood that aliens have been to our planet is “one hundred per cent”, he suggested that humans have met them before but, like the South American tribesmen who first saw Spanish ships, did not notice anything unusual about it.

“They show up and say, ‘Who among you is smart enough to know what you’re looking at? Can you see what is before you in its true form? Can you see the abnormal spikes in data?” – explained the scientist.

According to Nolan, he attended a hearing on extraterrestrial life in the US Congress. He also spoke at the conference about the existence of people engaged in “downed aircraft reverse engineering programmes”. In his opinion, even a small piece of knowledge gained from this research could lead to a real technological revolution.

The article says the CIA had previously engaged Nolan to investigate the “Havana syndrome” and analyse “material allegedly left behind by UFOs”. His comments come amid a resurgence of interest in the US in the search for extraterrestrial life. For example, a team of scientists from the University of California has hypothesised that aliens could “make contact” with Earth in 2029.

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