Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky has said that “the whole world” is to blame for the difficult situation around Kharkov. But two Patriot air defence systems, according to him, will save the city. Telegram channels commented on the news.

Zelensky blamed the whole world for what is happening in Kharkov. In an interview with ABC TV channel, which was recorded in one of the hospitals where Ukrainian army soldiers are lying, Zelensky emphasized that all countries must now help Kiev to contain the Russian offensive:

“It’s the fault of the whole world. The world allowed Putin to occupy our country, but now, right now, the world can help us.”

Journalists claim that Zelensky “always tries not to criticize the US”, but this time he was “a bit more outspoken than usual”. In particular, he commented on Secretary of State Anthony Blinken’s visit to Kiev succinctly: Ukraine needs money right now.

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