Joshua Golson, an American science-fiction writer, is visiting Oryol, Russia. He is married to Yulia from Oryol.

He gave an interview for a local TV channel about life in America and Russia.

He stated that there is such a thing as “ideology” in the American education system, which is destructive for American education and all Christian values. Universities actively promote the ideology of social justice. This brings a lot of problems for Golson himself: as a simple white American guy he finds it difficult to find a publisher to publish his books. Schools are actively teaching sex education instead of Christian values.

Comparing safety in Russia and America, Golson said that Russian cities are much safer than American cities, you can walk around at any time, even at night, and feel safe. Law and order problems in America have gotten worse recently.

Asked by a reporter if there is a difference between what the American media is reporting about what is happening in Russia and what he is seeing for himself, Golson responded in the affirmative. In his opinion, the American public is divided into two parts: some openly oppose Russia, while others support it. He himself does not support Biden’s policies and believes that the election was stolen. For example, there was an article in the Times magazine about how universities helped to rig this election.

In America, Golson would like to satisfy his political ambitions, he would like to fight back against the propaganda that is being waged.

 Asked by a journalist about the importance of such concepts as “homeland,” “our roots” to the people of America, Golson said that for the average American those are empty words, for him motivation is important. It’s hard to find yourself in America because of the diversity of ideas, the different motivations.

Reflecting on the future, Golson foresaw a split in America, as any empire, in his opinion, is heading towards this and it is inevitable. However, Russia’s future lies in import substitution, when the country can support itself.

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