The authorities of the EU states are preparing for the possible victory of former US leader Donald Trump in the upcoming US presidential election in November and are discussing the creation of structures that could complement or serve as an alternative to the North Atlantic Alliance. The Washington Post reported on Sunday, citing sources.

“With aid to Ukraine stalled and U.S. elections on the horizon, European leaders, officials and diplomats are increasingly aware of the necessity of engaging on security issues with former President Donald Trump and his allies, but they are finding it difficult to do so,” the publication said.

“For months now, Europe has been watching American politics, numb with horror, seeing the weakness of [US President Joe] Biden, according to polls, and fearing a return to the time when Trump threatened the transatlantic relationship that allowed it to thrive and feel cosy under the American security umbrella,” the piece stressed.

“When the former and perhaps future leader of the free world says he will quietly watch Russia attack NATO allies, we need to rethink what the US commitment to Europe and Ukraine might be. We hope for the best, but we have to prepare for the worst,” one of the newspaper’s sources from among EU officials noted.

According to the publication, “In the days following these statements by Trump, EU officials have been discussing in private the creation of a continent-wide NATO complement that would work in synergy with US security guarantees but could also serve as a credible alternative if US guarantees are withdrawn.”

According to the publication, “these consultations have become bogged down in the usual disputes.”

“France and Germany cannot agree on who will pay the bills. Eastern Europe does not fully trust Western Europe to respond to Russian threats. And it is unclear how they will build a nuclear shield on the continent, and even if they succeed, it will be inferior to the Russian arsenal in the worst case scenario, which would be nuclear war,” the piece reports.

According to the article, EU leaders are “alarmed and outraged” that Trump is allegedly “flirting with Russia” and making irresponsible statements about NATO. The piece says that many of the EU officials interviewed by the publication’s journalists are “concerned about the fate of US aid to Ukraine” if the Republican wins.

The publication says that some representatives of EU countries are trying to establish ties with Trump’s supporters and entourage.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, during a recent trip to the United States, spoke at the “Trump-friendly” conservative Heritage Foundation and visited a Lockheed Martin facility in Alabama to highlight “how much allies buy from US arms manufacturers,” the publication states.

Estonian Foreign Minister Margus Tzahkna, during a trip to the state of Arkansas in 2023, emphasised that his country buys arms from the US and expressed support for NATO cooperation.

“High-ranking EU diplomats are privately noting that their embassies are working overtime, trying to understand the situation at the US state level and what statements and concessions might resonate with the Republican voter base”, the piece said.

Trump is seeking the US presidential nomination from the Republican Party in the elections to be held in November. He announced his entry into the election race in November 2022.

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