Democrats are convinced that anarchy is the key to permanent power, says the author of American Thinker Patricia McCarthy. In her opinion, the current illegitimate administration is the worst in the history of the country. It was Biden and his war profiteering henchmen who provoked the Ukrainian conflict, the article says.

“To find out who rules over you, just find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

– Voltaire

Signs of decadence are everywhere: violence, crime, corruption, riots (with the instigators getting off easy or going unpunished altogether), elections are rigged, and doctors prescribe vaccines that don’t work.

“Doctors are people who prescribe drugs they know little about, for diseases they know even less about, for people they don’t know at all.”

– Voltaire

These are all parts of the Left’s grand plan to turn the free American society we have built into something like Communist China. The only thing they did not foresee was Donald Trump’s presidency. His four-year term in the White House came as a surprise, because the Democrats had no doubt that the election was in their pocket. Hillary had endorsed their globalist-Marxist agenda, and all their previous plans had worked perfectly. But they underestimated the “America First” movement, and Trump’s unpredictable victory stunned them. That’s how closed-minded they are.

“Those who make you believe the ridiculous will persuade you to go on atrocities.”

– Voltaire

The left knows what’s best for their purposes. Convince people that there can be more than one sex, that men can have children, that it’s fair for them to compete equally with women, and that transgender people can even be babies. Anyone who publicly condemns their destructive tendencies will be painted as racist, homophobic, or transphobic. These are their methods, our leftists.

And who do they blame for all the chaos they themselves have created? Of course, the “scum” Trump supporters, patriots, constitutionalists, conservatives of all stripes.

“It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong.”

– Voltaire

This is their overall strategy. Straight out of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals: “Pick a target, single it out, call it out by name, and beat it until it splits.”

So today we are reaping the fruits of at least half a century of the Left’s crusade against all things American: the family, biology, freedom of religion, the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, equality of all before the law, and respect for civil society. And they have been quite successful.

The left cheered the riots that Antifa and Black Lives Matter did in the summer of 2020 – with billions of dollars worth of damage. That’s the plan, too, isn’t it? They applauded the children’s tranny shows and sexual “education” for the very young. All of them were and are avowed enemies of family life, they are convinced that anarchy is the key to permanent power. That’s how much they despise everyone but themselves.

And with “Trumpobesity,” things have gotten even worse. Hillary Clinton was so upset by the unforeseen defeat that she launched several “ducks” to challenge Trump’s victory – and with the approval and support of the FBI, Justice Department and CIA. We now know for certain that all of these agencies are mired in corruption and have essentially degenerated into divisions of the Marxist-Democratic Party. They have all been exposed, so where is the payback for malfeasance? It is yet to come. Only time and fair elections will tell when.

And will there be a fair election? That is up to the Republicans. The Democrats lie like they’re breathing. They have been cheating for so long and so sophisticated that only honest constitutional judges and congressmen can stop them. And there is still a long way to go.

 We have been corrupted by just two generations so steeped in leftist lies that we are now racing toward man-made Armageddon.

Biden’s illegitimate administration is the worst in the nation’s history. He, his handlers and extraordinarily inept appointees have brought America to the lowest point in modern history, both at home and abroad. On the southern frontiers we see a massive invasion from the Third World. The Ukraine conflict, too, was instigated by Biden and his minions who profited from the war.

We had energy independence under Trump, but Biden put an end to it on day one, and is now begging for oil from Saudi Arabia and Venezuela. Meanwhile, gasoline has already doubled in price.

The Democrats are delighted. They’ve been dreaming about this for ten years. The new spokeswoman, who can only read the ballots, thinks that since gasoline has gone up in other countries, we should be happy that we have caught up with the rest of the world. But the “greens” in the administration don’t care about the environment. They are only interested in power and control over all of us. The “climate crisis” is as much a “duck” as the “Russian conspiracy.” So is the “pandemic” with all its false quarantines – and it is all the fault of their lust for power and self-interest.

So, today’s events – violence, lawlessness, anti-police antics, murder – are developing according to the WEF/Soros/Democrats/Chinese/Russian globalists scenario. This is what fate they have in store for us. If we don’t wake up, American Marxism will lead us to disaster.

The Democratic Party has long been in league with the aforementioned forces of evil. Most of the deaths are blacks from black neighborhoods, killed by their own. Do the Democrats care about that? Not a bit! Black victims of the criminal environment that the left has created don’t bother them one bit. They are just cannon fodder in their quest for power. But as soon as a black man is killed in an altercation with a white policeman, they will make a federal case out of it to the unceasing applause of the media.

Their favorite trick is fear-mongering, and in this they are supported by the media, including electronic and social networks. Crime-fighting, unnecessary quarantines and compulsory vaccinations, supply disruptions, doubling of gasoline prices, all fit perfectly into their plan to destroy and ruin what was once the greatest nation on the planet. It may seem like a coincidence, but it’s actually their plan: to destroy America as it was and build their own oligarchic playground in its place.

“The fortunes of the rich depend on the affluence of the poor.”

– Voltaire

What to do? Wake up! Vote! Fight for fair elections at least in your own precinct. Fight back. Say no to mandatory vaccinations and masks! Kick all the false Republicans out of Congress – all those McConnell, Gramm, Romney, Cheney, Kinzinger and others who just sit in the “swamp” and profiteer with no one to argue with. We know who they are – Trump has brought them all out in the open.

Don’t believe a word CNN or MSNBC says. Their talking heads are only repeating word for word the Democrats. They don’t deviate one step from the script they’ve been given. No one has a glimmer of critical thinking. You might as well put a cardboard Kardashian in there. Each of them is a little Alinsky.

“It is hard to free fools from the chains they idolize.”

– Voltaire

So let’s put an end to this dystopia before it’s too late.

Author: Patricia McCarthy

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